Understanding the New Real Estate Regulations in India: RERA Explained

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May 13, 2023
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The real estate sector in India is a vital contributor to the country's economy, but it has long been plagued by issues such as lack of transparency, project delays, and consumer grievances. Recognizing the need for regulatory reforms, the Indian government introduced the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA). This act aimed to bring about significant changes in the real estate industry and safeguard the interests of buyers. In this blog, we will explore the key aspects of RERA and its implications for the real estate sector in India.

Background of Real Estate Regulation in India

Before the introduction of RERA, the real estate sector in India operated with limited transparency and accountability, leading to several challenges for buyers. Issues such as project delays, unfair practices, and lack of proper grievance redressal mechanisms highlighted the need for comprehensive regulatory reforms.

The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, commonly known as RERA, was enacted in 2016 to address the shortcomings in the real estate industry. Its primary objective is to establish a regulatory framework that ensures transparency, protects the interests of buyers, and promotes timely project completion.

RERA aims to achieve multiple objectives, including safeguarding buyers' interests, promoting fair practices, enhancing accountability, and establishing efficient dispute resolution mechanisms. It incorporates key provisions such as mandatory project registration, disclosure requirements, and the establishment of regulatory authorities at the state level.

Key Features and Benefits of RERA

A. Establishment of Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) and its functions

RERA establishes a dedicated authority, known as the Real Estate Regulatory Authority, in each state to regulate and oversee the real estate sector. The authority is responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of RERA, addressing buyer grievances, and maintaining transparency in real estate transactions.

B. Mandatory registration of real estate projects and agents under RERA

RERA mandates that all real estate projects exceeding a certain size must be registered with the respective state's regulatory authority. Additionally, real estate agents involved in property transactions must also register with RERA. This requirement brings transparency and accountability to the sector by ensuring that only genuine projects and agents operate in the market.

C. Transparency and accountability in real estate transactions

RERA emphasises transparency in real estate transactions by imposing various obligations on developers and agents. It requires developers to disclose project-related information, including project plans, land status, approvals, and timeline commitments. This transparency enables buyers to make informed decisions and helps prevent misleading marketing practices.

D. Protection of buyers' interests and rights

RERA introduces several measures to protect the interests and rights of buyers. It mandates the use of standard sale agreements that clearly define the terms and conditions of the transaction. Additionally, buyers have the right to timely possession, compensation for project delays, and the ability to seek redressal through the regulatory authority in case of any disputes or grievances.

E. Timely delivery of projects and elimination of project delays

One of the key objectives of RERA is to ensure timely project completion. It imposes strict penalties on developers for any delays in project delivery, thereby incentivizing them to adhere to the committed timelines. This provision provides assurance to buyers that their investments will be safeguarded and encourages developers to maintain project schedules.

F. Mechanisms for dispute resolution and consumer redressal

RERA introduces effective mechanisms for dispute resolution and consumer redressal. It establishes dedicated appellate tribunals to hear and resolve disputes related to real estate projects. 

RERA Compliance for Real Estate Developers

A. Registration process for real estate projects under RERA

Developers are required to register their projects with the respective state's regulatory authority. The registration process involves submitting detailed information about the project, such as land title documents, project plans, financial details, and timelines for completion. Developers must comply with the prescribed registration fee and provide necessary documentation to complete the registration process.

B. Obligations and responsibilities of developers under RERA

RERA imposes several obligations on developers to ensure transparency and accountability. Developers must adhere to the approved project plans, utilize funds collected from buyers only for the specific project, and maintain a separate escrow account for each project to protect buyers' investments. They are also required to provide regular updates on the progress of the project and address any queries or concerns raised by buyers.

C. Financial and project disclosures required by RERA

RERA mandates developers to make comprehensive financial disclosures, including the estimated project cost, sources of funding, and the percentage of project completion at different stages. These disclosures help buyers assess the financial viability of the project and make informed investment decisions. Developers are also required to disclose details of all project-related approvals obtained from relevant authorities.

D. Consequences of non-compliance and penalties for developers

RERA has established strict consequences for developers who fail to comply with the provisions of the act. Non-compliance can lead to penalties, fines, or even cancellation of project registration. In such cases, developers may be prohibited from marketing or selling the project until they rectify the non-compliance and fulfill their obligations under RERA.

RERA Compliance for Real Estate Agents

A. Mandatory registration of real estate agents under RERA

Real estate agents or brokers involved in property transactions are required to register with the respective state's regulatory authority. The registration process involves providing details about their business, professional qualifications, and past experience. Registered agents are provided with a unique registration number that must be displayed in all property-related advertisements and communications.

B. Code of conduct for real estate agents under RERA

RERA establishes a code of conduct that real estate agents must adhere to. Agents are expected to maintain high professional standards, act in the best interests of their clients, provide accurate and transparent information, and not engage in any unfair trade practices. Non-compliance with the code of conduct can result in penalties or suspension of the agent's registration.

C. Obligations and responsibilities of agents under RERA

RERA imposes specific responsibilities on real estate agents to ensure fair and ethical business practices. Agents must maintain proper records of all transactions, refrain from making false or misleading statements, and assist buyers in understanding the terms and conditions of the transaction. They are also expected to handle client funds in a transparent manner and not engage in any fraudulent activities.

D. Penalties for non-compliance by real estate agents

Real estate agents who fail to comply with the provisions of RERA may face penalties, including fines or suspension of their registration. RERA aims to create a more professional and trustworthy environment for buyers by ensuring that agents operate ethically and in compliance with the law.

RERA and Buyer Protection

A. Protection of buyers' interests and rights under RERA

RERA places significant emphasis on protecting the interests and rights of buyers. It mandates the use of standard sale agreements that clearly define the terms and conditions of the transaction, ensuring transparency and fairness. Buyers have the right to accurate and timely information about the project, possession as per the agreed-upon timeline, and the ability to seek legal recourse in case of any disputes or grievances.

B. Guidelines for sale agreements, disclosures, and documentation

RERA establishes guidelines for sale agreements to ensure that they contain all the necessary details, including information about the property, its specifications, pricing, and possession date. This helps prevent any ambiguity or misleading information that could be detrimental to buyers.

Developers are required to provide comprehensive project-related disclosures, including the sanctioned plans, layout details, and development stages. These disclosures enable buyers to make informed decisions and understand the project's progress and quality.

C. Allotment of carpet area and prohibition of unfair practices

RERA mandates that developers sell properties based on the carpet area, which is the actual usable area of the property, rather than ambiguous measurements like super area or built-up area. This ensures transparency and prevents developers from misleading buyers with inflated measurements.

RERA also prohibits unfair practices such as altering the structural plans, changing the layout without consent, or misrepresenting the amenities and facilities offered. Developers must adhere to the promised specifications and deliver the property as per the agreed-upon terms.

D. RERA's role in addressing buyer grievances and disputes

RERA establishes an efficient mechanism for addressing buyer grievances and disputes. Buyers can file complaints with the respective state's regulatory authority, which has the power to summon developers, conduct investigations, and issue appropriate orders. This provides a streamlined process for buyers to seek redressal and ensures that their concerns are addressed in a fair and timely manner.

RERA and Project Transparency

A. Transparency requirements for real estate projects under RERA

RERA emphasizes transparency by requiring developers to provide accurate and updated information about the project. This includes details about the land title, sanctioned plans, project progress, financial disclosures, and any changes made during the construction phase. Developers must regularly update this information on the RERA website to keep buyers informed.

B. Obligation to disclose project details, approvals, and timelines

Developers are obligated to disclose essential project details, such as the title deed, commencement certificate, building plans, and the expected timeline for completion. This ensures that buyers have access to all relevant information before making a purchase decision. Additionally, developers must inform buyers of any changes or delays in the project's timeline to maintain transparency.

C. Use of escrow accounts for project funds and cost disclosures

RERA mandates that developers utilize escrow accounts to ensure that the funds collected from buyers are used exclusively for the specific project. This prevents developers from diverting funds to other projects and enhances financial discipline. Developers are also required to disclose the details of these accounts and provide periodic financial updates to buyers, ensuring transparency in financial transactions.

D. Impact of RERA on project marketing and advertisement

RERA has significantly impacted project marketing and advertising practices. Developers are now required to advertise their projects with accurate information, including the RERA registration number. Misleading advertisements and false promises are strictly prohibited under RERA, ensuring that buyers are provided with factual and reliable information.

Challenges and Implementation of RERA

A. Challenges faced in the implementation of RERA

The implementation of RERA has faced certain challenges, such as variations in state-level rules and regulations, lack of awareness among buyers and developers, and the need for effective coordination between various stakeholders. Overcoming these challenges requires continuous efforts from regulatory authorities, developers, and buyers to ensure effective compliance.

B. State-wise variations in RERA rules and regulations

While RERA is a central act, each state has the authority to frame its own rules and regulations to implement the act. This has led to variations in the implementation process across different states. It is crucial for buyers and developers to understand the specific rules applicable in their respective states to ensure compliance with RERA.

C. Measures to enhance RERA implementation and effectiveness

To enhance the implementation and effectiveness of RERA, it is important to create awareness among buyers and developers about their rights and obligations under the act. Regulatory authorities can play a pivotal role in conducting regular awareness campaigns, workshops, and training programs to educate stakeholders about RERA's provisions and benefits. Additionally, the government can streamline the rules and regulations across states to ensure uniformity and simplify compliance processes.

Impact of RERA on the Real Estate Sector

A. Transformation of the real estate industry post-RERA

RERA has brought about a significant transformation in the real estate industry. It has instilled greater transparency, accountability, and professionalism among developers and agents. The act has also boosted buyer confidence and trust in the sector, leading to increased investments and improved market stability.

B. Enhanced credibility and transparency for developers and agents

RERA has helped in establishing credibility and transparency in the real estate sector. Registered developers and agents have a competitive advantage as buyers have greater confidence in their projects and services. It has created a level playing field for all stakeholders, eliminating unfair practices and ensuring ethical conduct.

C. Improved buyer confidence and trust in the real estate market

The introduction of RERA has significantly improved buyer confidence and trust in the real estate market. Buyers now have access to comprehensive project information, reliable dispute resolution mechanisms, and legal protection against fraudulent practices. This has encouraged more people to invest in real estate, driving market growth.

D. Market consolidation and emergence of organised players

RERA has resulted in market consolidation, with smaller and unorganised players finding it challenging to comply with the act's stringent regulations. Larger developers with a strong track record and financial stability are better equipped to meet the requirements of RERA, leading to the emergence of organised players who dominate the market.


In conclusion, the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) has brought significant changes to the real estate sector in India. It has introduced transparency, accountability, and buyer protection, ensuring a more regulated and ethical environment. Understanding the key provisions of RERA is essential for both buyers and developers to navigate the real estate market effectively. By complying with RERA's regulations, developers can build trust and credibility, while buyers can make informed decisions and safeguard their investments. Overall, RERA has laid the foundation for a more transparent and consumer-centric real estate industry in India.

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